Cutting It Fine Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
Sample from the First Batch
A Full Day's Work
Are there Enought matches in a Box?

Is the Quality Controlled?

Sample from the First Batch
A baker aims to make 400-gram loaves. To find whether he is producing overweight or underweight loaves, he weighs a sample of 10 loaves from his first batch. His results (in grams) were:

415 394 408 422 428
397 425 406 414 421

The weights of the loaves were all different. To find the MEAN (average) weight of the loaves, we use:

MEAN weight =
(Total weight of all loaves)
(Number of loaves)
  1. What is the total weight of these 10 loaves?
  2. Find the mean weight of these 10 loaves.

The loaf weighing 415 grams contained an extra 15 grams of bread. The loaf weighing 394 grams was 6 grams short. In these two loaves, the total weight of extra bread was 15 - 6 = 9 grams, i.e. the total overweight of these two loaves was 9 grams.

The weights of these loaves are recorded in Table 4 on page R1.

  1. Complete the table by subtracting 400 from the weight of each loaf. The first two examples have been done for you. The second one is negative. What does this mean?
  2. What is the total overweight of the 10 loaves?
  3. Use your answer to d to find the mean overweight of the 10 loaves.
  4. Write down another method of working out the mean overweight. (Hint: look at your answer to b.)

Can you think of a way of measuring the variation in weight of these 10 loaves?

One way is to subtract the smallest from the largest. The result is called the RANGE.

  1. What is the weight of the heaviest loaf.
  2. What is the weight of the lightest loaf.
  3. What is the range (in weight) of these loaves?
  4. How much overweight is the heaviest loaf.
  5. How much overweight is the lightest loaf (it is negative)?
  6. What is the range in amounts overweight?
  7. How does your answer to 1 compare with that to i?


A Full Day's Work
You will need a sheet of graph paper.

The baker weighs a sample of 10 loaves every hour. The weights from the first sample have already been given in the previous Section. Each hour he works out the mean weight of his sample. Table 2 gives the eight sample means obtained during the day.

Sample Mean weight of 10 loaves (grams)
1 413
2 405
3 396
4 402
5 418
6 422
7 428
8 428

Table 2 - Mean weights of loaves.

The baker was aiming to produce 400-gram loaves. In sample 3, the mean weight was only 396 grams, so the mean overweight was 396g - 400g = - 4 grams.

  1. Is the mean overweight of any other sample negative?
  2. Fill in the mean overweights of the eight samples in Table 5 on page R1.

The mean overweight of each sample can be plotted on a QUALITY CONTROL CHART like the one below. Notice that the zero line is where the mean weight of the sample is exactly 400 grams.

Figure 1 - Quality control chart mean overweights of eight samples of loaves.

  1. Draw the axes for a quality control chart, like the ones above, on your piece of graph paper.
  2. Plot the mean overweights of each sample that you found in b.

The first point has already been plotted on the chart above.

The baker knows the usual pattern of points on his chart. He can quickly see when something goes wrong.

What do you think he looks for?

  1. Look at the last three samples. Are the loaves generally too heavy, too light or about right?
  2. For part of the day, the mean weight of successive samples decreased. Which samples were these?
  3. After which sample do you think that the baker made some adjustments? What effect did they have?


*Are There Enough Matches In a Box?
A firm sells matches in boxes marked 'Average contents 40 matches'. A sample of 10 boxes was taken from the production line every hour. The contents of each box were counted. The mean number of matches per box was calculated. The results are given in Table 3.

Sample Mean number of matches per box
1 42
2 41
3 41
4 40
5 40
6 39
7 39
8 39

Table 3 - Mean number of matches per box.

The zero line on the quality control chart for these figures represents 40 matches. The vertical axis goes from -3 to +3 and is labelled 'Mean number of matches over 40'.

  1. Draw the quality control chart for the eight samples.

Use the chart to answer the following questions:

  1. In which sample do you think that too many matches might have been put into the boxes?
  2. Comment on any general 'trend'.
  3. What sort of action, if any, should the production manager take to correct any possible faults?
  4. Each box is marked 'Average contents 40 matches'. Is this a fair claim? Give your reasons.
  5. Look back to the quality control chart you drew in Section C2 for the loaves. Compare it with the one you have drawn for the matches. What differences do you notice?

