Cutting It Fine Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
A Game of Skill
Fines for Underweight Loaves

Grab the Dough

A Game of Skill
You will need about 250 small cubes or beads.

You are a baker making ten 400-gram loaves. You have just one minute to do it. We use cubes (or beads). Each cube represents 25 grams of dough. Your task is to make ten 400-gram portions (16 cubes) from the dough.

What to do

In one minute you have to try to make 10 equal piles containing 16 cubes each.

Will you have enough time in one minute to count all the cubes out? If not, you will have to estimate each pile of 16 cubes.


You lose one point for every 25 grams (or cube) over or under the 400-gram weight (16 cubes).

Loaves which have not been attempted lose five points.

  1. Draw a blank table like Table 1 on which to record your results.
Loaf number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'Weight' (i.e. no.. of cubes) 14 17 19 12 20 16 18 15 21 -
Points lost 5 1 3 4 4 0 2 1 5 5

Total points lost = 27
Table 1 - One person's results at 'Grab the Dough'

  1. Get a friend to time you for a minute. Make your 10 piles. Keep them in order.
  2. Make a record of the actual 'weights' of the 10 'loaves' in the order in which you produced them.
  3. Now time your friend for a minute. Work out the number of points lost. Who won?


Fines for Underweight Loaves
You are going to repeat the game. This time you are fined for 'underweight loaves'. Any pile which contains less than 16 cubes loses 10 extra points on top of those lost in the last game, so in Table 1, piles 1, 4 and 8 each lose an extra 10 points, making a total loss of 57 points.

  1. Keep a record of your 'weights' in the order in which you have produced them. Play this game with a friend. Who won?

Remember, a pile containing less than 16 cubes represents an underweight loaf.

  1. How many underweight loaves did you make in the first game?
  2. How many underweight loaves did you make in the second game?
  3. How did the fme for producing underweight loaves alter the way you played the second game?

If a baker produces underweight loaves, he may be taken to court and fined.

  1. Give another reason why the baker may not want to make many underweight loaves.

