Multiplying People Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
Birth Rate
Death Rate

Hatches and Dispatches

Birth Rate
To plan for population growth planners need to know how many babies are born each year. Thus they need to look closely at the birth rate. There are many forms of birth rate. The simplest is the CRUDE BIRTH RATE (CBR). The CBR in any year is the number of babies born for that year for every 1000 people in the population.

Total number of births in the year
Mid-year population
x 1000

In 1973 the population of Worthing was 89600, and there were 816 births. The town-planner in Worthing finds the CBR like this:

CBR = 816/89600 x 1000 = 9.1

  1. Use the same method to find the crude birth rate for Skelmersdale in 1973, given that there were 35 900 people and 861 babies born. Which town will have to build more primary schools?
  2. Work out the crude birth rate for each of the towns and regions in Table 5.
Region Number of
Number of
Lancaster (1973) 1390 1960 12500
Leicester (1973) 11120 8060 763000
Northampton (1973) 7710 5430 488000
Essex (1973) 6470 5430 430000
NW Wales (1973) 4640 5410 354000
United Kingdom (1901) 1100000 620000 38000000
  (1921) 1000000 560000 44000000
  (1951) 840000 590000 50000000
  (1971) 860000 660000 56000000

(Source: Social Trends and Registrar General's Statistical Bureau of England and Wales)
Table 5 - Births and deaths in towns, regions and the United Kingdom.

  1. Write a sentence describing how the crude birth rate in the United Kingdom has changed during this century.


Death Rate
Planners also need to know how many people die each year The CRUDE DEATH RATE (CDR) is obtained in the same way as the CBR, except that it concerns deaths instead of births.

  1. Copy and complete the following:
    The crude death rate (CDR) is the number of ________ in that year for every _________ people of the population.
  2. Find out the CDR for Skelmersdale and Worthing in 1973.

In 1973 there were 2272 deaths in Worthing (population 89600).
In 1973 there were 265 deaths in Skelmersdale (population 35900).

  1. Work out the crude death rate for the towns and regions in Table 5.

The number of deaths in the United Kingdom increased from 1921 to 1971, but the crude death rate fell during the same period.

  1. Can you explain this?

